AKHI 4th Mentoring
Assalamualaikum, may you all are in good health and are blessed by Allah insyaallah. Alhamdullilah, on the 17th May 2009, AKHI Club had managed to organized its 4th mentoring program. It was held at Institute of Education. Not many mentor available during the program due to not many are taking short semester. The participants are around 60 students. Most of the organizing committees are among new members. This mentoring focuses on mathematics and tilawah. The program went on smoothly though there are some occurring problems. But other than that everything is according to plan alhamdullillah. AKHI would like express full appreciation to all committees for their efforts and contribution in making the program a success. May Allah grand you all with the best reward insyaallah. One this that we have to remember that in organizing any program, team work is essential. Through team work it create strength and power to do thing efficiently. Team work helps to make thing easy. But there ar...