
Showing posts from February, 2009

Who am I?

Assalamualaikum, to all my dear AKHIANZ, may you all are under the bounties and rahmah from Allah insyaallah. AKHi is one of the mentoring base club under CENSERVE Unit IIUM, besides other club like Gemilang and Sendi Saga. Though we share the same nature of program but each of the club has its own uniqueness and specialty. Mentoring means that one person will be mentor and one person will be mentee. In AKHI case, the members of AKHI will be mentor and the school children will be the mentee. Now, as a mentor, what do we really need to do? I'm sure many of us wondering the same question. Being a mentor firstly one must prepare him or herself in terms of physical and mental aspect. One cannot blindly being a mentor without prior preparation. Than, one must know his or her mentee personally. How to do it? Try to ask information about the mentee family, his or her frinends and school. This will help to create bonding between mentor and mentee which is very much important in mento...

Who am I?

Assalamualaikum, to all my dear AKHIANZ, may you all are under the bounties and rahmah from Allah insyaallah. AKHi is one of the mentoring base club under CENSERVE Unit IIUM, besides other club like Gemilang and Sendi Saga. Though we share the same nature of program but each of the club has its own uniqueness and specialty. Mentoring means that one person will be mentor and one person will be mentee. In AKHI case, the members of AKHI will be mentor and the school children will be the mentee. Now, as a mentor, what do we really need to do? I'm sure many of us wondering the same question. Being a mentor firstly one must prepare him or herself in terms of physical and mental aspect. One cannot blindly being a mentor without prior preparation. Than, one must know his or her mentee personally. How to do it? Try to ask information about the mentee family, his or her frinends and school. This will help to create bonding between mentor and mentee which is very much important in mento...

AKHI 1st Mentoring 2009

Assalamualaikum, Praise to Allah the All Mighty for his blessing and bounties granted upon us all alhamdullilah. May we all be among His faithful servants insyaallah. On the 22nd Feb 2009, AKHI Club has successfully organized AKHI 1st mentoring. Congratulation to all the committees involved for their hard efforts. May Allah reward you all for your action. Throughout the program, one can see the effort and commitment of all the mentors including the new mentors. Though this is their first time handling mentees, but they show a strong commitment and determination. The attendance of mentees is really overwhelming. The total amount of all mentees is about 110. While the attendance of mentor is also rather surprising around 30 mentors including committees. The focus of this mentoring is to evaluate and analyse the performance of AKHI's mentees. AKHI has conducted three test namely Mathematics, English and Tilawah. The overall observation of the test, there are several problems ide...

Training of Trainers (3rd - 4th January 2009)
